cee scallen
social justice and theatre are inextricably intertwined.
i believe that theatre can and should be a tool for social change. i am particularly passionate about addressing and advocating for anti-racism, anti-diet culture and fat positivity, accessibility, intersectional feminism, and mental health parity. i believe that theatre should be inclusive, intersectional, innovative, intentional, and impactful. read my manifesto for a new theatre below.
anti-racism resources
as a white person, i strive to work on being actively anti-racist in my activism, everyday life, and artistry. below are some resources from which i have learned a lot!
Alternative Canon
This is a living breathing document that shares a non-exhaustive list of "Non-Western plays, plays by Black, Indigenous, people of color, by women and by queer writers from before 1945." Representation is incredibly important, so finding and producing plays that aren't by cishet white men is a great place to start.
The Second A.C.T. Chicago
The Second A.C.T Chicago is a group of theatre artists working to "dismantle racism, dismantle inequity, dismantle power, dismantle exploitation, and demand transparency" within the Chicago theatre scene.
#blacklivesmatter Resource Document
This is a living, breathing document that updates every 5 minutes, monitored by Betsy (@ambivalct on Twitter). It includes links to other resources, petitions, donation sites, protest etiquette, and relevant events.
Rachel Cargle
Rachel Cargle is a "public academic, writer, and lecturer" whose "activist and academic work are rooted in providing intellectual discourse, tools, and resources that explore the intersection of race and womanhood." Cargle's work unapologetically tackles white feminism and is a critical (un)learning tool. She also is the founder of the Loveland Foundation, which provides funding for therapy to Black folx, with an emphasis on Black women and girls. I highly recommend following her on Instagram as well (@rachel.cargle).
Code Switch Podcast
Code Switch is an NPR podcast hosted by Shereen Marisol Meraji and Gene Demby that "tackles the subject of race head-on," exploring "how it impacts every part of society — from politics and pop culture to history, sports and everything in between." This podcast is extremely informative and covers such a vast array of material. Highly recommend signing up for their email newsletter, too!
anti-diet culture and fat positivity resources
diet culture is a pervasive, sexist, unhealthy, and insidious reality in which we are all indoctrinated. i actively work to dismantle diet culture in my everyday life; here are some resources I have found helpful.
Your Fat Friend
Your Fat Friend is a writer who "writes anonymously about the social realities of life as a very fat person." Her work is a powerful learning tool for both fat people and straight-sized allies. You can also find her on Instagram, @yrfatfriend.
The Body Is Not An Apology
The Body Is Not An Apology is "an international movement committed to cultivating global Radical Self Love and Body Empowerment" founded by fat, Black, queer artist and activist Sonya Renee Taylor. I also recommend following TBINAA and Taylor on Instagram (@thebodyisnotanapology and @sonyareneetaylor) and on her website (https://www.sonyareneetaylor.com/) for her poetry, anti-racist work, and body positivity work.
She's All Fat Podcast
She's All Fat is a podcast for "body positivity, radical self love, and chill vibes ONLY." This podcast strives to discuss and represent the issues faced by fat folx of all identities. I also recommend following them on Instagram, @shesallfatpod.
Christy Harrison
Christy Harrison is an "anti-diet registered dietitian, certified intuitive eating counselor, and journalist." She hosts the podcast Food Psych and her work is all about fighting diet culture from within the dietetics industry and through the lens of a recovered person. Highly recommend her Instagram as well (@chr1styharrison).
National Eating Disorders Association
The National Eating Disorders Association is "the largest nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting individuals and families affected by eating disorders." This national nonprofit does incredible outreach and education work, and the resources they provide range from treatment databases to parenting tips and beyond.
Nalgona Positivity Pride
Nalgona Positivity Pride is "in-community eating disorders and body-positive organization dedicated in creating visibility and resources for Black, Indigenous, communities of color (BICC.)" Eating disorders are consistently whitewashed, and NPP does an incredible job of examining the ties between eating disorders, communities of color, and white supremacy. Also, check out their Instagram (@nalgonapositivitypride).
The Fuck It Diet
The Fuck It Diet is a book, blog, and community founded by author and eating disorder survivor Caroline Dooner. Using these mediums, she discusses how diets don't work and actively harm people. And, she's frickin' hilarious too, making difficult content more accessible. Check out the Instagram, too (@thefuckitdiet).
The Fat Sex Therapist
Known as The Fat Sex Therapist on Instagram (@thefatsextherapist), Sonalee Rashatwar is "an award-winning clinical social worker, sex therapist, adjunct lecturer, and grassroots organizer." Using her education, social media base, and life experience as a queer fat Brown person, Rashatwar reveals the ties between white supremacy and thin ideals and how that affects body image and intimacy.